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Check out the Journal for more details about the making of each scene.

September 4, 2004:

Abandoned childhood.  Our reshoot is completed.  Tina surprises Alicia and Ariel - busted!

Brian does Michael's makeup for a riveting scene.

September 5, 2004:

Joe took a nap in the parking lot while he was waiting.  His trailer wasn't available.  Brittney wore a hat to get into character.  You'll get that once you see the movie.

There's nothing like watching a bunch of hot girls putting balls into holes except this one hole has something else in it.

Uh oh, there's a killer on the loose.  Run Kerri, run!  Having an actor who is also your special FX guy is often quite handy.

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For More Information Contact:

Light & Dark Productions
PO Box 21
Lake Peekskill, NY 10537
Telephone: (845) 526-6118
Internet: LghtandDrk@aol.com