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Check out the Journal for more details about the making of each scene.

August 7, 2004:

Reverend Jones has been a naughty boy and not even the Westmore Psychiatric Facility can hold him.  Here I am as a mental patient in a shot for the DVD bonus features.  After making this movie, it's not far from the truth.

August 22, 2004:

Joey (Michael Sirow) cops a feel as he passes by in a scene that might get cut from the movie as the footage doesn't quite work with the reshoots.  Shwing!  Joe  makes a hole in one with his ball(s).  Brittney's shoe becomes a casualty of war.

A squirrel and a mailbox.  Hmm.

I lost count on how many billions of takes we had to do with this sequence.  All Joe had to do was run into the house and step over Brett.  Sounds easy doesn't it?  Not for Brett who was stepped on dozens of times. 

Brett and Kerri - what a cute couple.  Brittney has seen better days.  It's not just the movie that has taken a toll on her character.  She proves she still has some spunk in her yet.

Ariel and Alicia bond and opposites attract.  Unfortunately, the first time around daylight was an issue so we had to return another day.

Them bones, them bones, them crazy bones.  Jude found a skeleton from God knows what at the edge of the woods.  Hey, it's just like in that movie Fairview Falls where they found all those dead animals in the woods.  Scary!

The "Scoobies" make their way to Bogey Creek.  Someone unexpected leaves with them.

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For More Information Contact:

Light & Dark Productions
PO Box 21
Lake Peekskill, NY 10537
Telephone: (845) 526-6118
Internet: LghtandDrk@aol.com