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Check out the Journal for more details about the making of each scene.

July 21, 2004:

Diana measures the pool table and cuts green felt to prevent the "blood" from leaking through to the real pool table surface.  Jude plays a round to see if the surface will handle realistically.

July 24, 2004:

"Look at these slices.  They're so thick you might as well give the customer the whole pig!"  "Stop putting so much time into this acting business..." 

"This deli is a well oiled machine with no room for rusty gears!"  "What an asshole!"  Matt delivers some bad news to John and Derek.

Sal receives a disturbing phone call and runs into trouble.

The other half of Canopus Country Club.  This was used as the Bar exterior.

Johnny Mac sticks around for a photo opportunity.

Toby Elmore (Barry) turns away a couple of kids at the bar but not before cracking up.  He still can't keep a straight face when Michael Sirow (Joey) arrives on the scene.

It's time to shoot another one of the movie's technical scenes.  Glen sets his shots while Sal and Michael go over their lines.  This is the introduction of Sal's character.

Joey's conversation with Sal is interrupted by Bill (Brian Spears) and Earl (Chris Coyne).

Things begin to heat up between Earl and Joey.

Jude and Glen go over the choreography for the fight scene with Michael.  Jude demonstrates how to strike Chris with the pool stick prop.

Earl soon discovers why it's not a good idea to mess with the son of a mafia boss.

After a few hits with the 8-ball more blood makeup is applied.

Joey cleans up after his dirty work.

Chris looks pretty good for someone who just had his head smashed with an 8-ball.  And now it's photo time...

Gene gets an idea.  He decides that a pool stick might be too long so he grabs a plunger.  Ouch!  That's gotta hurt!  Ask Jude, he knows how it feels after playing a dead body in Sins of the Father that had an inverted plunger in a place where the sun don't shine.

More photos.  Toby, Jude and Sal got were all snapping away.

That's a wrap.  Now let's eat.  Sal says "great shoot."  What a mouth full.  Chris worked up an appetite getting his ass kicked.  Even Glen finally gets a to sit down and have a bite to eat.

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For More Information Contact:

Light & Dark Productions
PO Box 21
Lake Peekskill, NY 10537
Telephone: (845) 526-6118
Internet: LghtandDrk@aol.com