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                         Anatomy of Horror 7



Creature Creations

3 days of shooting... It begins and ends with Jude Pucillo, the mysterious man in black.

The Cellar

Bill Diamond gives Liz Salazar a demon makeover.

After several attempts, I was finally able to get Liz's contacts in.

It took approximately 2 hours to get Liz into makeup.

Art Mele becomes the creature.

Bill and Winston put the final touches on the creature. 

It's alive!  It's alive!  And it only took 5 hours to get Art into makeup. 

The majority of the short film's location was in Jude's basement but for the final scene we moved to
an unused dead end stairwell in the complex that houses Bill Diamond Productions.

It's always bloody good time we you get to throw the red stuff around.  The blood mix is super sweet
and Liza does all she can to not throw up from the taste as it trickled down her throat and began to
gag her.  She was a real trooper and kocked the scene out in just a few takes.


Not only is the blood sweet but it's super sticky too.  Jude found out the hard way when Liz's hand
came in contact with his hair. 

It's a wrap!

I don't think I have ever seen an actress so happy to have worked on one of my projects and yet so
happy that it was over at the same time.

On November 6, 2010, The Cellar premiered at the Silver Cinemas South Hills 8 and kicked off
the Hudson Horror Show II.  The Tenement's Rellik (Jude Pucillo) was on hand to scare up the audience.
Light & Dark alumni attended the show too.

For More Information Contact:For More Information Contact:

Light & Dark Productions
PO Box 21
Lake Peekskill, NY 10537
Telephone: (845) 526-6118
Internet: LghtandDrk@aol.com