Spring 2002
(Left to Right) Director Glen Baisley tries to make
Fangoria Magazine's Managing Editor, Mike Gingold,
a victim for the next issue
while cast members Ed Shelinsky, Diana Baisley and Rosemary Gore
look on.
Rosemary (Alice) confronts the Black Rose Killer once again.
(Below) "To be or not to be?" That is the
question the Black Rose Killer asks
(makeup work on
Midnight Mass) amazingly detailed skull.

(Left to Right) Edwin Neal and Bill Moseley (The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) decide whether or not
to shake Glen Baisley and Ed Shelinksy's hands or eat them. Glen and Diana Baisley take
turns being
menaced by Robert Englund (A Nightmare on Elm Street). Robert glared at
Diana as she
prepared to snap the picture of Glen and said in his Freddy Krueger
voice "Take the picture bitch!"
(Below) Scott Klein (Director of "The
Risen") and Glen Baisley get attacked by a zombie and the
Black Rose

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(Left to Right) Joe Lauria (Ethan/Black Rose Killer
from Sins of the Father and The Tenement) prepares
to put on the
Black Rose Killer outfit and scare up some publicity. Judy Burrett (Victim
in the fictitious
Winston Korman's movies, Jack and Jill and No
Trespassing from The Tenement) and Andrea Mahnke
(Goth Girl from
Winston's movie Dead to Rites from The Tenement) look on. Andrea,
known as "Drea", shares a tender moment with Joe before he tries
to kill Director Glen Baisley. Upon
close observation, it appears that the
Black Rose Killer needs a shave.
(Left to Right) The Black Rose Killer (Joe Lauria)
makes his rounds. Co-stars C.J. DiMarsico (Sarah
from The Tenement) and Suzi
Leigh (Morgan Reynolds from Sins of the Father and
The Tenement)
cross paths with the killer. Incognito, Joe latches onto
Suzi and EI: Seduction Cinema star, Misty
Mundae. EI star, Ruby La-Rocca
seems much too comfortable with the Rose Killer's axe. The Black
Killer goes up against the Dark Lord of the Sith (Darth Vader) himself, David
Prowse while David
shows Glen how he has wielded an axe or two in his day.
Finally, the Black Rose Killer meets the cool
ghoul himself, Zacherle.
(Left to Right) Fangoria managing editor (Winston
Korman form The Tenement and The Cornoner from
Fear of the Dark
and Sins of the Father) meets for the first time co-star Suzi Leigh.
Special effects man,
Gene Mazza (also plays the Sistine Slasher in Korman's
No Trespassing from The Tenement) shows
what Rellik is going to do to
Suzi in her first movie with Light & Dark. Director Glen Baisley shows C.J.
DiMarsico the "Gentleman" creature which appears in her story The Sound of
Silence from The
Tenement. Actor/musician Sal Sirchia (HBO's OZ) stops by to hang out
with Glen.
Glen threatens him to
get him a walk-on role on Oz. Bill Diamond (Monster TV Network) stops
by the table
to say hello.
(Left to Right) Diana Baisley (Red from The
Tenement) and Danielle Russo (Janice and Jen from Fear of the Dark
and The Tenement) hang out with The Sopranos stars, Robert Iler (Tony "A.J."
Soprano, Jr.), Federico Castellucio (Furio
Giunta), Joe Gannascoli (Vito Spatafore), John Fiore (Gigi Cestone) and a couple
of the shows mob bosses.
(Left to Right) Diana meets Tom Savini (From Dusk
Till Dawn).

(Left to Right) Diana with Charles Napier (Silence
of the Lambs), Butch Patrick ("Eddie Munster"), Jeff Conaway (Babylon 5, Grease
and Taxi) and musician, Richie Scarlet,.
(Left to Right) Glen calls on Adam West (Batman) to
fight the Black Rose Killer. Glen with Sean Whalen
(The People Under the
Stairs). Glen tries to cleave Leonard Lies ("Machete Zombie" from Dawn of
Dead) Black Rose Killer style. Glen meets one of the greatest super
villains of all time, Sarah Douglas (Superman I and II and Conan The Destroyer).
Jeffrey Combs (Re-animator) takes a moment for a

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For More Information Contact:
Light & Dark Productions
PO Box 21
Lake Peekskill, NY 10537
Telephone: (845) 526-6118